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Small Changes, Big Rewards

Rita Date

Run a marathon, eat only salad for dinner, lose 20 kilos…all New Year resolutions you may have made at some point. But how many of us stick to these daunting resolutions? Chances are you won’t be able to stick to these declarations for a month let alone an entire year. How many of you have broken them already? There is a better solution than vowing to make these sweeping changes.

For successful weight loss healthy habits have to be formed in a slow and systematic fashion. To make lasting changes it is important to begin small. Resolve to make 2 small changes in your lifestyle that will help you get healthier.

Here are a few examples: 1. Drink water before eating – you know that it reduces appetitie. Keep a bottle on your desk, put a reminder on your phone – anything that will make you remember to drink water up to half hour before eating your meal.

2. Keep fruit in a bowl that is easily accessible – buy a variety of fruits and make it look attractive so that you reach for fruit as your snack instead of chips.

3. Cut out one cup of caffeine – Whether it is tea or coffee reduce the quantitly of your intake by one cup. If you have 3 cups a day, reduce it 2, if you have 4, reduce it to 3…you get the idea.

4. Breathe – When you feel hungry deep take 5 deep breaths before grabbing something to eat and then think about what you are eating.

5. Take only one bite of dessert – this is my one change this year. I tell myself I am not going to eat sweets but I give in to temptation. After one bite I cannot seem to stop and the quantlity consumed is too embarrasing to mention.

I am resolving to eat one bite, maybe two, of dessert even when it looks as good as the photo above. Wish me luck.

Make small changes and stick to them!

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