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Forget Cholesterol, Reduce Inflammation!

Rita Date

We take another turn in nutrition 20 years later — cholesterol is good. Inflammation is the what is making us fat and unhealthy. Inflammation seems like  such a generic word — when we hurt our shoulders/knees/back or have arthritis we say that the area is inflamed, but what does it mean in terms of nutrition and overall health?

New research shows that certain foods such as white bread and sugar cause more inflammation in the body. This inflammation takes form in many ways other than pointed physical pain such as heart disease, diabetes and other lifestyle diseases. All of these many times stem from one’s diet. Anti-inflammation diets have been in existence for years but now there is growing evidence that certain foods are the main causes of inflammation.

My take: The foods specified that cause inflammation are processed foods such as white bread, high fructose corn syrup and sugar, and eliminating these from your diet as far as possible will do wonders for your health. There is not enough evidence however  to support that it is alright to ignore cholesterol levels.

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